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GB 9685-2008 + MOH Newly Approved Food Contact Additives in China

GB 9685-2008 + MOH Newly Approved Food Contact Additives in China

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Basic Information
  • Translated By:ChemLinked
  • Release Date:Sep 09, 2008
    Implement Date:Jun 01, 2009
  • Pages:683
    Format:Electronic Edition (Adobe PDF)
  • Created On:Dec 22, 2014
    Last Updated On:Dec 22, 2014

China requires pre-market registration of additives in food contact materials with NHFPC. Food packaging chemicals included in  GB 9685 or approved by the former MOH do not require approval.


China requires pre-market registration of additives in food contact materials with NHFPC (National Health and Family Planning Commision). Food packaging chemicals included in  GB 9685 or approved by the former MOH (Ministry of Health) do not require approval.

GB 9685-2008 specifies principles for uses of additives in food containers and packaging materials and lists 958 permitted additives as well as their scope of use, maximum level, specific migration limit or maximum permitted quantity and other restrictive requirements. Contents of GB 9685-2008 are as follows:

  1. Scope

  2. Terms and definitions

  3. Principles for use of additives in food containers and packaging materials

  4. Stipulations for use of additives in food containers and packaging materials

  5. Interpretation of the specific migration limit

  6. Table A.1 Additives allowed in food contaniers and packaging materials

In addition to 958 food contact additives included in GB 9685-2008, the Ministry of Health released the following three batches of additives for use in food packaging materials in China: 

  1. MOH Announcement No.23-2011: 107 resins used in food packaging materials

  2. MOH Announcement No. 5-2012:  301 additives used in food packaging materials

  3. MOH Announcement No.5-2013:  258 additives used in food packaging materials

This document contains both GB 9685-2008 and the hree batches of approved additives.

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