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Big Cuts in China's Final HCPEC List

On April 4th, 2014, Chinese Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP) issued the final Catalogue of Hazardous Chemicals of Priority Environmental Concern (HCPEC).

  Click here to download the official list

The Catalogue contains 84 substances, dramatically decreased from last year’s draft version of 142 chemicals. In addition to some general raw materials (e.g. dichloromethane), 3 active ingredients of pesticides have been removed, namely tricholorfon, phoxim and triallate. Apparently opinions from the industry have been taken into consideration, and it is predictable that the industry stakeholders feel somewhat relieved to see the final Catalogue, while the environmentalists may be critical of this result. (see Greenpeace commentary)

HCPECs are defined as chemicals that are persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic, or manufactured/used on a large scale, thus posing severe threat to the environment and human health. The Catalogue also includes chemicals under the control scheme of the Stockholm Convention, Minamata Convention, etc.

In accordance with MEP Order 22 “Measures for the Environmental management Registration of Hazardous Chemicals (Trial)”, Chinese manufactures and users of HCPECs are obligated to:

  1. Complete environmental management registration, and renew within the 3 years’ validity period.

  2. Entrust competent agencies to compose an Environmental risk assessment (ERA) report, and submit it for official review;

  3. Report to the authorities annually about the emission, migration and monitoring result of particular pollutants (the PRTR report), as well as their control measures on pollutants and environmental risk (the environmental risk mitigation plan). Both the report and plan should be submitted to local environmental agencies before Jan 31 each year.

  4. Fulfill other obligations of hazardous chemicals under Decree 591.

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