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China MEP to Approve 11 New Substances through Regular Notification under China REACH

China's Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP) announces today that certificates for 11 new chemical substances registered through regular notification under China New Chemical Substance Notification (China REACH) will be soon approved if no dissenting opinion is raised during the period of 30 May to 1 June. Most of these new substances are registered as hazardous ones. For certificate holders, they could expect more stringet post-registration obligations than the general type. 

Depending on the actual environmental management intensity, New chemical substances registered through Regular Notification are divided in three environmental management categories: the general chemical substance; hazardous chemical substance and hazardous chemical substance of high environmental concern. According to the China MEP announcement, four of the published substances are classified as hazardous; six in the scope of hazardous chemical substance of high environmental concern; and only one dye chemical substance as the general one. Also, one alkyl ester substance has been registered through joint notification.

Earlier on 6 January this year, China MEP published two new substances that completed regular notification during 2011, both of which subject to the category of “hazardous chemical substance”. And one of them adopted joint notification.

Table of the first 11 new substances to be approved of 2012 China NCSN Regular Notification (RN)


Chinese Chemical Name

Notifying Company

Notification Type

Environmental Management Category




Daikin Industries International Trade (Shanghai) Ltd


hazardous chemical substance of high environmental concern




Lianhe Chemical Technology Co., Ltd


hazardous chemical substance of high environmental concern



凯莱英生命科学技术(天津)有限公司/ 凯莱英医药化学(阜新)技术有限公司

Asymchem Laboratories, Inc (Tianjing) & Asymchem Laboratories, Inc (Fuxin)

Joint Notification

hazardous chemical substance of high environmental concern



1-methyl-3-(trifluoromethyl)-1H-pyrazole-4-carboxylic acid

CAS: 113100-53-1


Lianhe Chemical Technology Co., Ltd


hazardous chemical substance





hazardous chemical substance



2-amino-5-cyano-N,3-dimethyl benzamide

CAS: 890707-29-6


Lianhe Chemical Technology Co., Ltd


hazardous chemical substance




Lianhe Chemical Technology Co., Ltd


hazardous chemical substance of high environmental concern



(2E)-2-(2-chloromethylphenyl)-3- methoxy-2-methyl acrylate

CAS: 117428-51-0


Shanghai No. 4 Reagent & H.V. Chemical Co. Ltd


hazardous chemical substance of high environmental concern




Suzhou ABA Chemicals Co. Ltd


hazardous chemical substance




Suzhou ABA Chemicals Co. Ltd


hazardous chemical substance of high environmental concern


染料绿 58

CAS: 128-58-5

DNP Fine Chemicals Co.,Ltd.


general chemical substance

What is Regular Notification under the China NCSN?

China NCSN Regular Notification applies four stepwise levels of requirements for different tonnage manufactured or imported per year, starting from the lowest 1 t/a till more than 1000 t/a. The higher the tonnage, the more test data and the longer lead time. On average, the testing cycle of a regular notification could last two to three years or even longer. Companies subject to the NCSN Regular Notification shall prepare for submission of three main notification documents:

  • New chemical substance regular notification application form;

  • Risk assessment report of the notified new chemical substance; and

  • Testing reports of the corresponding physical-chemical properties, toxicology and eco-toxicology as well as other relevant testing documents and credentials of the testing institutions.

Companies need also to be aware that the eco-toxicological test report must be based on testing data acquired via a Chinese based laboratory and by using Chinese tested organisms.

Post-registration (/notification) obligations for the notifying companies

Companies who have completed regular notifications and received the registration certificates should notice several timelines concerned with their substances listing into IECSC. A new general substance registered under Regular Notification will be listed into the IECSC in 5 or above years since the first date of its manufacturing or import.

A new hazardous substance or substance with high environmental concern registered under regular notification is required to report CRC-MEP its actual activity submitted by the registration certificate holder within not less than 6 months before the end of the 5th year as of its first date of manufacturing or import. After that, a review evaluation on the substance hazard information will be conducted at the expert committee. At last, it is up to the MEP to incorporate the substance into IECSC based on the result agreed at the evaluation committee.

Chapter IV of MEP Order 7 (Measures for the Environmental Management of New Chemical Substance Notification 2010) explicates detailed post-notification obligations for the registration certificate holder. For new hazardous chemical substances, multiple obligations are typical of duties in hazard communication and hazard track control, such as proper fulfillment of the risk control measures indicated in the certificate, first-time activity report compilation, newly arising hazard reporting, hazard chemical substance registration in line with State Council Decree 591, next year activity plan, and the manufacturing/importing/use flow direction of the registered substance.

For more technical and regulatory keynotes of China NCSN compliance, please enter our Expert article.

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