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China MEP to Establish the List of Priority Pollution Enterprises

On Nov 27th 2017, Chinese Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP) issued the Measures for the Management on the List of Priority Pollution Enterprises, requiring local environmental protection authorities to report the priority pollution enterprises in their administrative areas.

The list of priority pollution enterprises consists of 5 sub-lists, which contains enterprises with air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, noise pollution and other pollution, respectively. An enterprise could be included in more than 1 list at the same time based on the pollutants it discharges into the environment. The Measures specifies the standards for the enterprises to be regarded as priority pollution enterprise. Listed enterprises and their detailed emission information will be displayed in the online information system developed by MEP and are open to public access. No further regulatory requirements on the listed enterprises are revealed yet.

Local environmental protection authorities are required to update the next year’s list of priority pollution enterprises annually and report to MEP. The list of 2018 should be submitted before the end of this year.

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