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China MOT: Improving Road Transport Safety and Removing Compliance Hurdles

Measures for the Safety Administration of Road Transport of Dangerous Goods will be finalized and promulgated in the following months. In the finalized Measures, articles related to LQ/EQ exemptions have been partially amended based on public comments. A new industrial standard JT 617 “The Regulation of Automobile Transportation of Dangerous Goods” will be published by the end of 2016, which includes 9 parts and can be regarded as China’s adaption of the UN Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods - Model Regulations for road transport.

More than 5,000 varieties of chemical materials are transported in China. When you consider the large variety and volume of these chemicals in the context of China’s gargantuan landmass, regional capacity and resource disparities and the uneven geographical concentration of chemical manufacturing facilities we can see how Chinese authorities face a unique array of challenges to effectively regulate the transport of dangerous goods in China. Statistics show that from 2008 to 2012, approximately 10,000 Hazchem accidents have occurred in China every year with a daily average of 27. Of greatest significance is the fact that transport accidents account for over 76% of the total number.

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