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China Publishes Catalogue of Combustible Dusts and Explosion Prevention and Protection Guide

After the “Aug 2” Kunshan dust explosion (2014) and “June 27” Formosa Fun Coast dust explosion (2015), the Sate Administration of Work Safety (SAWS) formulated:

  • Catalogue of Combustible Dusts of Key Concern in Industry and Trade Sectors (2015)

  • Guide of Explosion Prevention and Protection Processes and Facilities in Combustible Dust Workplaces for Industry and Trade Sectors (Trial)

Combustible dusts are fine dusts, fibers, etc. which can burn or smolder in air, and can form explosive mixture with air at normal temperature and pressure. The Catalogue only collects explosive dusts of relevant high risks substances related to industry and trade sectors including metallurgy, nonferrous metals, construction materials, machinery, light industry, textile and tobacco.

The Guide outlines the key points in existing and compulsory national standards and industry standards, such as:

  • GB 12158-2006 General guideline for preventing electrostatic accidents

  • GB 15577-2007 Safety regulations for dust explosion prevention and protection

  • GB 17269-2003 Safety regulation for the prevention and protection of dust explosion in manufacturing powder of aluminum and/or magnesium

  • AQ 4232-2013 Safety specification for dust explosion protection and prevention in plastic processing system

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