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CRC-MEP Demands EP Report of Toxic Chemicals Users

China's CRC-MEP publishes a notice to demand toxic chemicals users (non-manufactures/producers) to submit an environmental protection report (EP report) when they first import or use toxic chemical substances

The Chemical Registration Center of China MEP has released a notice to demand China’s toxic chemicals users (non-manufactures/producers) to submit an environmental protection report (EP report) when they first import or use a toxic chemical substance included in the List of Toxic Chemicals Severely Restricted to be Imported in or Exported from P.R. China. Target firms of this notice apply to those who import toxic chemicals only for the uses of disinfection and dry cleaning or etc.

The guidance on form filling and a sample of the EP report are attached with the CRC notice. Non-manufacturers/producers only need to fill out the annex of EP report and can be exempted from the first to the tenth part of the report. They should download the EP report documents from the CRC-MEP website and read the guidance carefully as some items are not applied to them. Submission of the report still follows the procedure as they apply for the Import or Export Clearance Notification.

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