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First 2 Certificates of Regular Notification Published

Three companies receive Registration Certificates under China REACH Regular Notification; one Registration Certificate is issued in the type of joint notification

The Chinese Ministry of Environmental Protection today published the first two Registration Certificates of Regular Notification under China MEP Order No 7. The certificates are issued to three companies, two of which have submitted a joint notification. Both registered substances belong to hazardous (dangerous) chemical substances.

China New Chemical Substance Notification adopts different management requirements for different categories of new substances. New chemical substances registered for Regular Notification are divided in three categories following the expert panel's evaluation. They are the 'general chemical substance', 'hazardous chemical substance' and 'hazardous chemical substance of high environmental concern'.

The chemical names published on the MEP table are both standard generic names processed after a confidential claim. Their naming complies with the Chinese national standard the Guidelines for the Generic Name of New Chemical Substances (HJ-T 420-2008) enacted in 1 April 2008.

Upon review of the processing number in the MEP table, at least a dozen Regular Notification dossiers have been reviewed by the MEP. Regulatory consultant Martin Hu in REACH24H remarks that at present Regular Notifications submitted under China New Chemical Substance Notification have a relatively lower passing rate than Simplified Notification by the China REACH experts review committee, but it is still early to judge.

The current first two certificates are now published for public commentary and supervision. The deadline for commentary is 10 January 2012.

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