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Hazardous Chemical Enterprises Safety and Technical Requirements Round-up

Safety and Technical Requirements on Hazardous Chemical Enterprises (GB18265) is currently in the drafting stage and overseen by China Academy of Safety Science and Technology. In August 2017, SAWS sought public opinion on GB18265 and received 181 feedbacks. It is expected to be released this year.

The predecessor of the requirements is “Operation Conditions and Technical Requirements for Hazardous Chemical Enterprises” (GB18265). The name of the Requirements has changed, as well as its drafting authorities, scope, and related terminology. However, requirements for staff quality and transportation are no longer regulated by this standard.

The scope of GB18265 includes warehouses, store sites, store construction and safety facilities for Hazardous Chemicals. It does not apply to petrol stations, oil depots, online stores or shops which do not display or store hazardous chemicals.

Related to GB18265, another two national standards are being drafted- “Risk Control of Processing Units and Storage Facilities of Hazardous Chemicals” and “Measuring Methods for Safety Distance from Processing Units and Storage Facilities of Hazardous Chemicals”.    

GB18265 was not a priority reform target until a huge chemical blast occurred in Tianjin Port on 12th of August 2015. This tragedy caused 173 deaths and hundreds of injuries. In the investigation report, the official refers to term 6.1 of GB18265 which states: Large and medium-sized hazardous chemicals warehouse should keep at least 1km distance from public buildings, arterial roads, industrial and mining enterprises etc. Since the Tianjin disaster domestic enterprise and regulatory authorities alike have been particularly cognizant of compliance and the overall adequacy of this standard to regulate the industry.

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