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MoE Responds to Korean Media’s Criticism of CCA and K-REACH

MoE has reiterated its stance on the importance of CCA and K-REACH in safeguarding national safety and preventing chemical accidents. MoE used the 2011 humidifier disinfectant disaster and the 2012 Gumi hydrofluoric acid leakage accident to remind media and the public of the vital role regulation is playing. MoE has urged the public not to have a knee jerk response to recent political woes and not to blame chemical regulation for semiconductor material localization issues.

With the conflict between Japan and South Korea getting more intense (Chemlinked News [1]), the South Korea’s Ministry of Environment (MoE) has become the target of domestic media, despite Moe’s best efforts to exonerate itself (Chemlinked News [2]). On 29th July, Korea Economic Daily published a report [3] titled "The Ministry of the Environment, which has delayed the localization of semiconductor materials, has increased its workforce by 25% in 3 years." In the report, four major grievances were outline: 

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