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Notice on Inspection of HC at Chinese Port Areas

The notice clarifies segregation of duties for the inspection on the hazardous chemical construction projects and storage facility projects

Chinese Ministry of Transport (MOT) today issues a notice on the safety inspection of hazardous chemicals at Chinese port areas. The notice mainly clarifies segregation of duties for the inspection on the hazardous chemical construction projects and storage facility projects. Management concerning Port staff qualification and safety work accident investigation shall be undertaken by MOT.

According to the notice, port construction projects and storage facility projects of the hazardous chemicals within a Port area shall be applicable to the Chinese Port Law published by MOT. Equipment of hazardous chemicals production/use and their connected storage tank components are subject to the inspection of the State Administration of Work Safety (SAWS) following China's Production Safety Law; storage tank part connected only to the hazardous chemicals docks are covered by local Port administrative authorities.

In a Port area on land, gas stations exclusively serving Port handling equipment and non-operational vehicles are also under the inspection of Port administrative authorities; stations serving social vehicles other than the above mentioned types are covered by SAWS.

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