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The Philippines Clarifies COO Requirements for Cyanide and Cyanide Compounds

Recently, the Philippine Environment Management Bureau (EMB) issued a circular [1] to clarify provisions with regard to cyanide and cyanide compounds in the Chemical Control Order (CCO), specifically procedural requirements for the registration and licensing of these substances.

The EMB specified several important issues which were provided in the circular, including:

  • For transactions regarding cyanide and cyanide compounds conducted between companies in the Philippines, such businesses should have a memorandum of agreement in which the quantity of distributed/purchased/used cyanide should comply with their CCO Registration;

  • In the case of sodium cyanide, the EMB Central Office will be involved in the evaluation of the CCO Importation Clearance;

  • The Importation Clearance shall be valid within six (6) months after its issuance and for “single shipment only”.

It is hoped that the circular can help to regulate the improper use of cyanide and cyanide compounds and curb their negative effects on the environment and human health.

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