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SAWS to Build National Work Safety Emergency Platforms for Hazardous Chemicals

China has planned to build up a set of national emergency rescue platforms by the end of 2015. This national work safety project will be made up of three levels of emergency platforms, namely the state and local work safety authorities, the state-owned and local large/medium hazardous chemical enterprises, and the national emergency rescue teams. These emergency platforms are designed to realize business alignment and information sharing including the connection and exchange of chemical data, emergency audio, video and graphic materials.

Among them, China will focus on the establishment of 21 state (/regional) mine crash-rescue teams, 20 state (/regional) hazardous chemical emergency rescue teams, and a state rescue technical assistance center. These technical information platforms shall also be in time aligned to the platforms for the governmental types and enterprise types.

China SAWS, the main organizer of this project remarked in its announcement, “Opinions on further speeding up the construction of work safety emergency platforms”, that this emergency platform network is aimed to identify as the groundwork for China’s work safety emergency management and a main booster for the national work safety information modernization. It is also expected to effectively prevent chemical accidents and properly respond to chemical disasters.

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