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SAWS Built Template Documents For Safety Review on HC Constructing Projects

On September 20th, 2012, the State Administration of Work Safety noticed to its provincial subsidiaries and HC relevant companies that it has drawn up series of documents templates for safety review on hazardous chemical relevant constructions. 10 types and 17 kinds of the templates for different uses have be compiled and published on SAWS’ website for downloaded and adopted by different parties from October 15th, 2012.

With the implementation of the “Regulations on the Control over Safety of Hazardous Chemicals(State Council Decree 591)”,the SAWS has promulgated the “Administrative Measures for safety supervision on Hazardous Chemical constructing Project” on January 1st, 2012, which ruled that the new constructing, re-constructing, expansion of HC manufacturing and storage facilities(including the long distance pipelines) shall be safety reviewed and accepted by different levels of work safety authorities depending on the location, scale and type of the projects.

The HC manufacturing or storage companies shall submit their applications and dossiers to the competent authorities for safety reviews in three different stages: the feasibility study, design, and acceptance check. Pilot manufacturing and trial uses of HC shall be safety reviewed as well. Upon the qualification of the applicants, the authorities can accept or deny the applications by noticing the applicants in written form. The affirmative or negative results of the safety review will also be issued to the applicants in written form.

The application form filled by the applicants and the notice issued by the authorities are now standard unified by SAWS and sufficient information interact can be ensured by the HC companies and the work safety authorities.

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