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SAWS Compiles Draft Documents for Major Hazard Installations

China SAWS compiles 6 documents for the registration/cancelation of major hazard installations

The Chinese State Administration of Work Safety (SAWS) has compiled and revised six documents related to the registration of major hazard installations in China.

This is made to better implement an interim provision ruling that has shortly come into force since December 2011, the Interim Provisions for the Supervision and Administration of Major Hazard Installations of Dangerous Chemicals, published on August 5 as SAWS Order No. 40. 

The modified documents are as follows (in Chinese):

1) general_characteristics_of_major_hazard_installations (shall be filled up by applicant companies)

2) application_for_record_of_major_hazard_installations (shall be filled up by applicant companies)

3) record_of_the_registration_of_major_hazard_installations (shall be filled up by authorities of work safety at county level)

4) application_for_cancelling_major_hazard_installations (shall be filled up by applicant companies)

5) cancelling_record_of_major_hazard_installations (shall be filled up by authorities of work safety at county level)

6) statistics_of_major_hazard_installations (shall be filled up by authorities of work safety at county/city/province level)

The SAWS invites authorities of work safety at province level and other social entities to make comments before 31 December 2011.

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