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Status Quo and Challenges of Road Transport of Dangerous Goods in China

In the wake of the “8·12” Tianjin Explosions China seeks more opportunities for international communication and cooperation to enhance safety management of hazardous materials. U.S.-China Inter-modal Hazardous Materials Handling Seminar was successfully held on Apr 26 and 27 in Beijing. Policy makers and think tanks of China MOT introduced current status and challenges, and the delegates from the U.S. enterprises and associations shared management experience, technologies and solutions. Road transport is most frequently used for domestic transport of hazardous materials. This article focuses on China’s road TDG regulations and emerging initiatives.

The rapid expansion of China’s economy has placed heavy stress on its transport infrastructure. The latest statistics show that over 1.6 billion tons of hazardous materials have been transported in China in the past year and the quantity is growing by 10% on a year-on-year basis. The ominous occurrence of several high profile disasters over the last several years are all directly attributable to the mishandling of hazardous materials during transport, storage and loading and unloading operations. Combined with a gargantuan landmass and patchy supervision and enforcement of national standards China is facing a big challenge. 

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