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Taiwan to Issue Guidance for Standard Registration of Priority Existing Chemicals

2020 is just around the corner and marks the beginning of the window for standard registration of PECs in Taiwan. The Guidance for Standard Registration of Priority Existing Chemicals was initially drafted in March and updated in September. It will be finalized and published by the end of this year. The Tool for registration of Existing chemical substances (TrEX) will be issued soon. Companies are highly recommended to get a head start to join the “SIEF-like” platform now to find co-registrants

The standard registration for 106 priority existing chemicals (PECs) at or above one tonne a year will begin from Jan 1st, 2020. The most important supporting guidance was initially drafted in March detailing information companies must file, to what extent diversified data can be accepted and other issues relating to standard registration. It was updated in the end of September after several issues and industry concerns raised during the seminars organized by the authority to familiarize companies with the standard registration of PECs. The final version will soon be finalized by the end of this year.

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