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Taiwan Promulgates Revised Chemical Control Act Enforcement Rules

Taiwan introduced the new Toxic and Concerned Chemical Substances Control Act Enforcement Rules to align with Taiwan TCCSCA. The revised Enforcement Rules will come into effect on Jan 16th, 2020, the same implementation date as Taiwan TCCSCA. More than 30 subordinate regulations connected to the revised TCCSCA will be issued over the next few months.

On Sep 3rd, 2019, the revision to Taiwan’s Toxic Chemical Substances Control Act Enforcement Rules was approved with the changes scheduled to take effect on Jan 16th, 2020. Taiwan EPA aligned the enforcement rules with the new Toxic and Concerned Chemical Substances Control Act[1] (TCCSCA, previously known as Taiwan TCSCA), and renamed it as the Toxic and Concerned Chemical Substances Control Act Enforcement Rules[2].

The TCCSCA Enforcement Rules were drafted in April. Most of the proposed changes have been adopted in the final version. Major changes include:

  • Update the definition of the “suspension of handling” as “the interruption in manufacture, import, sale, use, or storage” and delete the time period of “for at least two years” (Article 7)

  • Add a provision defining “mail orders, online shopping” as “transactions made via radios, television broadcasts, telephones, facsimiles, catalogs, newspapers, magazines, the Internet, flyers, or any other similar channels “(Article 8)

  • Add a provision that the EPA will entrust on-site verification tasks to relevant institutes or groups (Article 12)

  • Add a provision that firefighting units shall be notified of the diagrams of the entire handling site and the interior layout of the site in written and electronic format (Article 18)

As planned, more than 30 subordinate regulations will be revised or fleshed out in line with the TCCSCA. Some recent updates (CL news[3]) have been reported by ChemLinked.

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