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Overview of Asia Pacific GHS Progress 2012 (with substances as the key focus)

Overview of Asia Pacific GHS Progress 2012 (with substances as the key focus)

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Basic Information
  • Author:Ms. Yvonne Huang (ChemLinked)
  • Pages:32
    Format:Electronic Edition (Adobe PDF)
  • Publish Date:Mar 22, 2013
    Last Updated On:Mar 22, 2013

The year 2012 has been an eventful one for GHS development in the Asia-Pacific area. A number of countries in the area, such as Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia and the Philippines, have made big moves towards adoption of GHS guidelines. At the same time, continued progress in adoption and implementation of GHS processes has also been seen in more developed industries such as Japan, Singapore, South Korea, Chinese Mainland and China's Taiwan.

  1. Introduction

  2. Asia- Pacific Countries that Implemented the GHS

  3. Countries on Their Ways (Partial)

  4. Region Adopts GHS as Reference Only

Tags: AP GHS