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K-REACH: 277 PECs Have Lead Registrant Elected

13 PECs subject to K-REACH joint registration recently finished LR election. So far LR election has been completed for 277 PECs and there are still 233 PECs requiring LR election.

The 10th round of Lead Registrant (LR) election for priority existing chemical substances (PECs) under K-REACH has finished. Announced on 30 Nov 2016, the election results for 13 PECs were published, including CAS No., chemical name, date of LR determination, and the name of LR. So far LR election has been completed for 277 PECs (the list is accessible here).

The first batch of PECs includes 510 PECs which should be jointly registered under K-REACH by 30 Jun 2018 if it is manufactured or imported in quantities greater than 1 ton per year. So far there are still 233 PECs requiring LR election.

The previous rounds of LR election are reported by ChemLinked as below.

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