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K-REACH: Current Status of PECs Joint Registration

The registration deadline for 510 priority existing chemicals (PECs) subject to K-REACH joint registration is 30 Jun 2018. As the deadline approaches, more and more lead registrants (LR) have submitted PECs joint registration dossier.

Updated on 31 Jan, joint registration dossiers were submitted to the authority for 111 PECs, of which 16 have been approved and issued with a registration number. The other 95 are still under review now (click here to download the list). For most PECs, the LR’s registration work will as expected come to an end in the first quarter of 2018. It will leave the joint registrants enough time to finish their own submission.

The number of PECs with an LR is 343 as of 31 Jan 2018. The whole list is accessible here, including the name of LR in Korean, chemical name in English, CAS No. and the date of LR determination. There are still 167 PECs which do not have a corresponding LR. Some PECs are identified as “non -circulating” thus no one is voting for LR.

K-REACH is under revision, huge amendments will be introduced for existing chemical registration and a phase-in registration mechanism for around 7,000 existing chemical substances (≥1t/y) will be implemented. Phase-in deadlines will be set based on tonnage band (1-10 t/y, 10-100 t/y, 100-1000 t/y, >1000 t/y), which is similar to EU REACH. The revised K-REACH still needs further deliberation before final approval from the National Assembly. It will not impact the current joint registration of PECs.

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