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Overview of China’s Plastics Industry and Future Tendencies in 2019

China's plastic industry is facing unique challenges precipitated by new stringent environmental policies, increased public concern and scrutiny on environmental impact, shifting geopolitical dynamics, trade issues and emerging new technologies. The sector continues to experience healthy growth, but new strategies will need to be adopted to offset the turbulence caused by emerging issues.

On June 26, the 12th China Plastics Industry Conference (CPIC) was held in Hangzhou, China. Guo Yongxin, the executive secretary and spokesperson of China National Light Industry Council (CNLIC) attended this conference and made an address on China’s plastics industry and its future tendencies in 2019. Mr. Guo's speech was mainly centered on three aspects; firstly, the development of the plastics industry. Secondly, the challenges faced by plastics industry in China, and at last, the development tendencies of China’s plastics industry.

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