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SAWS: Final Documents for Major Hazard Installations Record

SAWS releases final documentation on application and cancellation of Major Hazard Installations for HC companies in China

5 April 2012, the State Administration of Work Safety (SAWS) of China has issued the final filing documents on the registration/record & cancellation of major hazard installations (MHI) targeted at companies dealing with the production, storage, use and operation of hazardous chemicals in China. The final modifications have taken into account the conclusion of last December’s agency consultation on six draft proposals (news on Dec 26, 2011). The SAWS informs that final versions shall apply from 10 April 2012.

The final documents for major hazard installations record are (for download in Chinese):

  1. MHI general traits (shall be filled up by applicant companies)

  2. Application form of MHI record (shall be filled up by applicant companies)

  3. MHI record form (shall be filled up by authorities of work safety at county level)

  4. Application form of MHI record Cancellation (shall be filled up by applicant companies)

  5. MHI record cancellation form (shall be filled up by authorities of work safety at county level)

  6. Statistics of MHI record (shall be filled up by authorities of work safety at county/city/province level)

  7. Informing Letter of MHI record (shall be filled up by authorities of work safety at county level and issued to the concerned applicant)

  8. Informing Letter of MHI record cancellation (shall be filled up by authorities of work safety at county level and issued to the concerned applicant)

The release of these documents is made to better implement an interim provision ruling that has shortly come into force since December 2011, the Interim Provisions for the Supervision and Administration of Major Hazard Installations of Dangerous Chemicals, published on August 5 as SAWS Order No. 40 (See news on Oct 14, 2011).

Compared with the draft proposals, all the final documents have been updated with two additional information requirements on the MHI (project) name and the MHI address (in the case that a MHI address differs from that of its applicant company). Other modified filing requirements like the index of MHI category/R index, a valid period of MHI record (three years) and the specific record materials are further clarified in the attached filling notes. In addition, SAWS has designed two new documents to inform the applicant company of whether his application for MHI Record or Cancellation has been approved.

According to the new documentation, applying HC companies should take note of the following information requirements for the application of China’s Major Hazard Installations Record:

  • Record of the identification and categorization of major hazard installations

  • Sample(s) of (Material) Safety Data Sheet for the concerned hazardous chemicals based on China GHS standards

  • Corporate standards of practice on MHI safe management and use

  • Emergency response proposals for chemical accidents, review opinions, rehearsal plans and assessment report

  • Key control devices of MHI, responsible personnel or department for key areas

  • The form of MHI general traits

  • Regional location map, plane diagrams, process flow diagrams and main equipment chart of MHI

  • The results of safety monitoring system, measures and detection

  • Safety assessment report or safety evaluation

  • Information about the MHI warning signs

  • Other related documents

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